Policies and Local Laws

One of Council’s functions under the Local Government Act 1995 is to make policy. A policy forms part of the CRC 's decision-making framework.

Name Date    

Appointment of Acting or Temporary CEO Policy

Dec 2022 view policy

Attendance at Events Policy

June 2024 view policy

CEO Model Standards

April 2021 view policy

Code of Conduct Elected Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Dec 2023 view policy

Code of Conduct Elected Members, Committee Members and Candidates - Breach Form

Dec 2023


Code of Conduct Employees

April 2024 view

Code of Conduct Employees - Complaint Form

Dec 2021


Complaints Policy

Oct 2022

view policy

Complaints Procedure

June 2021


Credit Card Policy Oct 2022 view policy

Elected Member Continuing Professional Development Policy

To comply with the requirements of the Act,

a link is included below to each member councils’ website,

where compliance with the policy, training and reporting requirements

in respect of each of the CRC’s respective Councillors is evidenced.

June 2024 view policy
Elected Member Conference Attendance Policy Dec 2022 view policy
Electronic Council Proceedings Guidelines April 2020 view policy
Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy June 2023 view policy
Gifts, Benefits or Hospitality Policy Oct 2022 view policy
Governance and Internal Control Framework June 2021 view
Investment Policy Oct 2022 view policy
Legislative Compliance Policy April 2024 view policy
Lot Pricing Policy June 2024 view policy
Meeting Procedures Local Law 2021 (Effective date: 18 March 2022) Mar 2022 view Law
Occupational Health & Safety Policy Nov 2020 view policy
Payment of Accounts Policy Dec 2023 view policy
Payment/Gifts to Employees & Councillors when Leaving the CRC Policy
Feb 2023 view policy
Payments of Distributions Policy Aug 2023 view policy
Procurement Policy April 2024 view policy
Recordkeeping Policy Dec 2022 view policy
Sponsorship Policy Dec 2022 view policy
Work Health & Safety Policy
April 2023 view policy