A number of parks have been completed within Catalina, providing a range of recreational opportunities for residents and the local community. The parks provide important local amenities for residents and demonstrate the quality of the Catalina Project.
The number of parks continue to grow as the Catalina expands.
Completed parks include:
- Napoli Park, located at the end of Portofino Promenade, boasts an impressive 1.620 hectares of manicured lawns, shaded barbecue and rest areas, along with a substantial play area including a flying fox and multi-level play tower.

- Catalina Beach Park, located at the entry to Catalina Beach, provides high amenity and is a key feature of Catalina Beach. It includes an 8m play tower, with associated play equipment, a significant number of mature transplant trees and shelters/seating.

- Aviator Boulevard Greenlink, forms part of a key pedestrian and cyclist linkage that will ultimately connect between the Clarkson train station and the Catalina beachfront. This section of the Greenlink features exercise equipment, public art, mature trees and high-quality landscaping.
- Drimmie Park, located on Aviator Boulevard in Catalina Central, features a unique Catalina Sea Plane replica play equipment, high-quality landscaping and grassed kick-about areas.

- Catalina now enjoys convenient access to its own beach. A road and footpath connecting Catalina to the beachfront were opened in February 2022. Coupled with the recently completed Burns Beach – Mindarie Dual Use Path, Catalina residents can easily access the magnificent coast and connect to the nearby Mindarie Marina. Revegetation along the access road was completed during winter 2022.

- Mapleton Park in Catalina Green was completed in August 2023. The park features a playground, retained Tuart trees, landscaping, and a kick-about area.